Monday, May 15, 2006

Viva Mexico

We made it to Mexico! We drove all day yesterday, leaving about 9:15am from the Houser residence, making a couple quick stops, and then heading on the 210 East, for those of you who know L.A. We got on the 15South, which I only know because I´ve been to Temecula before. We stopped in Escondido for gas, to add some oil, pump up our bike tires, etc. We had gotten an In-n-Out location guide and found one on the north side of San Diego.

Driving in a car for many hours leads to stupid conversations. At point we resorted to doing our best Hans and Frans impressions, and even included the fact that it was Mother´s Day. I think Stephanie´s best line, in her Hans voice, was ¨I thank my mama for giving me these guns¨ and then she kissed her biceps.

At some point I think one of us said ¨well, here we go¨ and we ran for the border. We were SO worried about all of the stuff we had in the car. We moved the backpacks down (which were sitting at the very front of all our things, right between us), and tried to discreetly cover things with a pillow. We came up with a ton of excuses for why we had all these things, such as the people we were going to drop it off with in San Diego weren´t home, we were actually going camping, but the last one seemed a bit faulty, because who takes lamps camping?

All of our worries were unfounded, which I assumed was going to be the case. I didn´t see a single guard, and we went right through. We joke that the guards were off seeing their mamas for Mother´s Day. We drove straight through Tijuana and down to Ensenada where we stopped at the Gigante and then quickly got back on the road. Not only is it a little strange to be without a group, but it´s also felt a bit odd for Stephanie and I to be doing this by ourselves. After Ensenada there really isn´t much of anything and so I just prayed that we wouldn´t get a flat or have the engine burn up or something... we´d be in big trouble then!

But nothing happened (Thank you God!) and we arrived in town about 5pm. We unloaded quickly and ran off to church where we got to see our Mexican family, our friends, and sit through a long service. We don´t understand much, so I always just read my Bible or think about things during the service.. it´s actually a really nice time.

So here we are. Today is a day for maestros, or teachers, and so we only had 7 kids show up and there´s no regular school for the kindergarteners. Tomorrow I´m sure we´ll be back at around the 35 that Brigida now says they have.

A big holla and shout out (a day after the fact) to our Mamas, Jackie and Ingrid, for being so cool with us just hopping on the highway and going to Mexico until July. You ladies are just grand.

We have lots of pictures from our trip, so hopefully sometime soon I can figure out how to put them on this computer and share them with you all.


At 11:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hola, my sweetie. Good writing, Meghan. Naturally, I'm proof reading and found very few errors. I'm so proud :-)

Thanks for the mother's day kudos. Speaking for myself (can't speak for Ingrid), I trust you and am confident that you'll make good choices. And I know you're in God's good hands.

Mucho amor,
Mom Scott

At 9:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay for being in mexico! and yay for not having to convince the guards that you are just a nice little innocent lesbian couple off on a summer camping trip. ;-)


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