Saturday, September 16, 2006

Almost Ready to Leave

Well, the last piece of the puzzle has finally fallen into place. This morning I sold my beloved car. I owned Willis (as I like to affectionately call him) for 4 and a half years, so it was a little hard to let go. It was made easier, however, by the fact that the guy who bought him was a college student who was so excited for him. He just gushed over how great Willis was and I beamed like a proud mother. So I cleaned him out and handed over the keys. That really was the last thing I needed to REALLY do before leaving for Korea, and it is done, and in perfect timing, as I won't be working this coming week, and don't really need to do any more shopping. And I know if I need any transportation I can call Amanda to be my taxicab driver. It's quite convenient, actually!

Also, I received my work visa today in the mail from the Seattle Korean embassy. I had to send my passport and application to Seattle by express mail, and was anxiously awaiting its return, because of course I HAVE to have it to get through customs and stay in Korea.

Stephanie has finished her training and I guess, from what I hear, having a quiet weekend by herself in our apartment in Seoul. She has written about all of her adventures: going to training, using the subway, going to the internet cafe, and so I'm excited to go over and see everything for myself. I'm actually anxiously awaiting to get over there because it seems like this has been talked about for so long - I'm ready to be there! It makes it a lot easier to know that Stephanie is there and has figured out all Seoul stuff already. She even knows where to go to get good frozen yogurt!

I leave on Thursday, the 21st, which means I will be missing the season premiere of the Office!! I'll have to download the season premiere once I get to Seoul so I know what happens in the Jim/Pam saga. If you don't watch the Office yet, you should! It's the only show on TV I always have to watch.


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