Friday, September 29, 2006


Well, Stephanie was gone from EARLY Wednesday morning to late last night. While she was gone I realized what it would be like to be in this city by myself, and I didn't like it, so I was very glad when she came back home. In fact, I was getting anxious for her to get here, and started to get worried. I looked up her flight arrival time, factored in getting her luggage, getting on the bus, and maybe being stuck in traffic. By 9:30 I was definitely antsy and looked up her bus stop on the internet. I realized that she would be dropped off across the street. I turned off the lights in our apartment and sat and stared out the window for about 25 minutes, trying to spot her as one of the little ants scurrying around on the sidewalk across the street.

I had the elimination going in my head: skirt? nope, that's not her. carrying a bag? nope, she's got her backpack. Short hair? no, not her. On a bike? definitely not. Finally I spotted her, and I tried to wave, but realized she couldn't see me with the light off (duh), so I turned the light on and waved frantically. She saw me, waved, came home, and I got to hear about her exciting one-night stand with Japan. If you want to read about it head over to and read about it there.

I've just been training this whole week, and got finished today, so I'm pretty excited about that. I was supposed to get done at 2, so I arranged with Stephanie to meet her at a certain subway stop near our apartment so she could show me to our school. I'm scheduled to sub for someone tomorrow (saturday), so I needed my materials so I can prep.

Well, I started to leave the training, but found out I had to stay behind and sign a contract. First contract given to me to look over was the wrong one, so she had to go back. Then I realized my name was spelled wrong, she had to change that. All of this took a lot of time and I kept looking at my watch, realizing that I was definitely not going to be able to meet Stephanie in time. So I had to weigh my options. I wanted to be over to the school before 4 so I could see the director or Head Instructor before the kids came.

I got done signing my contract and asked the HR lady if she could give me the address of my school so I could give it to a taxi driver. Instead, she thought it would be easier another way. So she called my director at the school, asked for his cell phone number, and then gave me a note (written in Korean of course), to give to my taxi driver. The note basically told him to call the cell phone number and get directions from my director.

So, it probably came as a surprise (as I just came out of a big business building) to have me (a 23 year old white female) get in his cab. But, not only that, to just hand him a note. He read it over, made the call, and when he started talking, glanced back at me. Of course I couldn't understand a thing he was saying, so I just smiled. We took off for our destination and he began to talk to me, but I just had to smile, look confused, and say "anio" (no). He drove pretty fast, but I arrived at my school in one piece, and in much less time than the subway would have taken. There went 10 bucks.

I just finished "Mockingbird: A Portrait of Harper Lee" by Charles Shields. I recommend it. Not a lot is known about Lee, and there are a lot of rumors about her and Capote's work intermingling. It was a really good read.


At 11:56 AM, Blogger Marcus said...

Aww, you missed your little friend. How cute.

I love To Kill A Mockingbird, and Harper Lee is an interesting figure. Maybe I'll read that book. You should log on to and read his review of the movie of To Kill A's pretty darn interesting. He gives some pointed criticisms about the story that I've always overlooked, but I like it anyway.

At 4:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, it was so fun when you waved at me! Glad to be back home!


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