We set again to do some exploring, and took a lot of pictures along the way. First we went over to a historic settlement site near us. We had to get off the subway and either take a bus or a taxi to the site. We haven't ridden a bus before, and we weren't quite sure of that, so we took a taxi. It turned out that the site wasn't that far away and it was a straight shot from the subway station.It was interesting to see the settlement, which is a restoration, and museum of the "neolithic" period of humans in Korea. Very interesting, but there wasn't much information, and not much to show, so we didn't spend too much time there. There were lots of schoolchildren, though, and a lot of them like to say "hello!" to us.
Next we headed over to Olympic park, with our main mission to see the Olympic museum. We got off the subway right at the entrance.

We picked up some maps of the park (which is quite large) and made our way toward what the map called "Seoul Olympic Museum". Unfortunately, we ended up at the wrong museum and didn't realize it until after we paid. Apparently there is a "Seoul Olympic Museum of Art", but the two different museums are both named "Seoul Olympic Museum" on the map. Lucky us. We toured around the art museum (modern art), because had paid the money, but by then I was actually pretty cranky that we hadn't found the right place, and it was pretty warm so I was sweaty. Not happy.

Some sort of fashion shoot?
Finally, we made it over to the actual museum about the Olympics and everything got better. It was a lot fun. Lots of information about the start of the Olympics, little tidbits about each games, and then of course more information about how Korea hosted the Olympics in 1988. Downstairs there was a "sports experience hall" where you could try your hand at sporting events.

I have no idea how my leg got up that high.
Outside the museum:

Heading back to the subway.
Outside our apartment building someone has used stencils to spray paint the image of this guy. I think he looks pretty cool and I finally got around to taking a picture of him.

I got my first letter in the mail from Joel and Rinda (brother and sister in law) and my nieces, which was a lot of fun. It got here very quickly. I had just bought magnets for our refrigerator, so my cute nieces are predominately displayed. They're so cute I have to post a picture of them here. Hannah-3, Dana-9 months (in this picture.

Your mom is highly impressed that you have taken up kick boxing. What a leg up!
I'm so proud of how adventurous you and Stephanie are. You truly impress us old folks. The photo of Hannah and Dana is so unbelievably CUTE!! Dana reminds me so much of you at that age. We'll be thinking of you on your birthday. Imagine celebrating a birthday in a foreign land. How sophisticated :-)
Love you,
T & D
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