Saturday, August 30, 2008

It's that time of year!

I love this time of year. It seems the weather has turned early into fall. Usually in Portland it's hot all through August with very little rain and the warm weather continues through September. I have memories as a child of sitting in very, very warm classrooms when school started. And a lot of times the warm, sunny weather will continue through the first part of October. But, guaranteed, it will most likely rain on Halloween.

Well, a week or so ago we had a lot of rain, and even a thunderstorm, which is unusual in Portland. And ever since, even when it's been warm, the air feels different. Even yesterday it was pretty warm, but there was a cool breeze in the air. That crisp air of autumn is already on us.

In other news, I babysat for someone semi-famous last night. Famous enough that when he introduced himself at the door I knew exactly he who was. I had had his wife's name and didn't think anything of it, but when I met him it immediately clicked in my head. Much more settling than the time I babysat for another famous person and I could just TELL she was a musician but I couldn't place who she was and I had to look it up when I got home.


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