Cool Seoul
As Stephanie and I prepared to make a run to the store, Stephanie looked at the weather for Seoul, and it said it was currently 34 degrees. Now, we don't have any window coverings, so we have this huge window where the sun beats in. It does NOT feel cold in our room, we haven't turn our heat on yet. Add to this the fact that it's completely clear and sunny, and we said "yeah, right. It can't be 34".But, as we stepped outside we realized it must have been right. Maybe it was in the upper 30s, but it was really, really cold. When I arrived here in Seoul it was still in the low 80s and mid 70s for quite a while (which I does not qualify as fall), it went into the 60s for a couple weeks, and now we're down much farther, with today's high being 50 degrees.
I guess it's winter in Seoul. It's quite lovely.
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