Here you go, Eddy! Your favorite restaurant! And here I was, in Redding, sitting at your favorite restaurant, eating a hamburger that you are no doubt craving. Sorry, Eddy!Being here in Mexico this time around is quite a different experience. The first time I came here (winter/spring of 2005) I knew no one and had no car. I spent a lot of time by myself, but also a lot of time with the teachers and their friends from church. Last year Stephanie and I came together, which was a little more entertaining because we were together and had a car! So we did more things and went out more. We also had a couple groups in, which spiced things up a little bit. My parents moved down here at the end of that stay and were still in transition when I left.
But NOW!! Now my parents facilitate groups who come through and do ministries in the community. My dad helps direct groups to build houses, my mom organizes everything, and they both help with odds and ends of different projects. It's such a different atmosphere here, now. For the few years I've considered this a place I love, but having my parents here really makes it feel like a second home, and I'm grateful for that. I have all sorts of luxuries here that I didn't have before! My parents have pop in their refrigerator and I'm baking cookies, and they have the internet in their apartment, which I get to use! Life is good. Haha.
It's also fun seeing my parents interact with people they've lived and worked with for a year now, people that I have known for a while. They know the kids and their stories, the interworkings of everything. You can't explain those things to people (even though I might have tried when they moved down here), you have to learn it first hand. It's so fun to be able to tell the kids that Steve and Jackie are my parents!
Speaking of my parents and the kids: My dad put on his cowboy outfit and walked into the cafeteria for breakfast and all of the kids started yelling "Vaquero! Vaquero!!", which means cowboy. Here's dad in his outfit!
One thing I have been amazed at is my Spanish! I assumed that my time in Korea had erased a lot of my memory of Spanish. Stephanie and I would occasionally say something to each other in Spanish, but only small things. Well, it seems not much of it has gone away, and even when I have forgotten words on my own, I have heard words that I didn't know I remembered, but I knew the meaning of them! I know a lot of words, but I suffer when I try to make my own sentences. But, last night I went to church and listened to a whole sermon and caught most of it! I was so surprised, I couldn't believe it. It has reiterated the idea that I've had that I need to really study and learn more Spanish, because I might actually be good at this!
Life in Mexico is busy, but it's really, really good.
hahahahah.....AWESOME!!!! just the look on your face is sooo PERFECT!!!
thanks Meghan!!! hahha
i'm so glad to hear you're enjoying your time with the fam right now and being encouraged by what they're doing
mr ed
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