Thursday, May 06, 2010

3 Thoughts For the Day

Because good things come in threes. Well, and celebrity deaths come in threes as well, but let's not think about that.

#1 - I've been craving pancakes lately. Last week the cravings got so bad that I had to make some pancakes. This is strange, because I'm not usually a pancake person. I've never wanted pancakes before like I wanted pancakes last week. I made the pancakes and while they satisfied me, they weren't as fluffy, delicious, airy, and melt-in-your-mouth as I had longed for. Tonight I realized why I'm craving pancakes. Wheel of Fortune is sponsored by IHOP. Those commercials!!! They flop those pancakes down on the stack of pancakes like nobody's business! And yes, I watch that much Wheel of Fortune. In fact, I just put two and two together with the craving of pancakes because I was just watching Wheel of Fortune.

#2 - We have a bike horn on our front gate. You know, the bike horn with the actual horn on the end and the black bulb on the other end, and it really does say "honk!" when you squeeze it. Our gate is far from our front door, and we got it for when visitors stop by. We tend to have more "drive bys" than actual visitors: passersby who choose to honk the horn as they go on their way. Well, the black rubber bulb was coming away from the metal part, and you can't get a good honk out of it unless you hold the two pieces together. We came home from school today to find someone had taped the bulb back together to the horn. My roommate poses a good question: Was this so that they could continue annoying us with their drive by honks, or was it done simply out of the kindness of their heart? It's weird to think that someone passes by our house enough and takes the time to notice that our horn was broken. Now if they'd just stop and fix our jungle of a yard...

#3 - Why are tortillas SO good?


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