Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Oh, First Graders

In trying to explain to my family yesterday about my difficulties at my subbing job, I think I came to a conclusion. First graders puzzle me. I feel as if they should act older, be able to accomplish more things, need less direction. With kindergarteners, I feel a sense of empathy toward them because it's their first year of school and they're still getting the hang of things. Even the word "kindergarten" makes me think of very small children. Yet, first graders, I expect to have a better grasp on things. Not so, and I need to get used to that. First graders still need an immense amount of direction and comforting. I don't think I was made to teach first grade.

My favorite conversation yesterday was right after I told the students about the goody bag I had brought. I announced I had a secret and had forgot to tell them that I had a goody bag for the table group who was doing their best work, paying attention, and getting their work done. They lit up. Then came the barrage of questions as to what might be in my goody bag. After a lot of guesses I finally said "It probably isn't what you think it is"

Girl: "Is the same things you give your kids?" (random!)
Me: "uhhh no. I don't have kids"
Boy: "So you're a kidless person."
Me: "uhhhh haha. Yeah. I guess I am. I am a kidless person".

I thought that was cute.

I scored majorly today when I hit up Target and found a bunch of great pencils, stamps, and stickers in the Dollar Spot section, perfect for my goody bag. I got so excited I'm sure my mom would have pronounced me a nerd, had she been there.


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