Compliments can make a person's day. As I stood reading a bulletin board at a school on Thursday, some students were passing by as they headed to lunch. I heard "Cool hair". I assumed, of course, that it was not directed at me. These kids don't know me, and they could only see the side of my head. She repeated it, "Cool hair", and I turned around to find a 3rd or 4th grader looking directly at me as she approached, to pass behind me. "Oh, thanks!" I said. "I like yours, too!"There are times at a job when I completely space out and forget where I am. Whether I'm at a random nanny job, or at a subbing job. I go through a lot of normal motions. At a nanny job I greet the parents, become a friend to the kid, make dinner, play games or color, and put the kid to bed. After I've been sitting for a while, I realize that I'm at a stranger's house, and I have to physically place where I am. I look around the house, picture my drive to the house, and finally realize where I am. I guess this is what happens when you're in different places all the time, because I do the same thing at sub jobs. When the kids are gone (to specials or lunch) I sit in a chair and think "Now, where am I again?" When it takes a while to process, to figure it out, it gets kind of eerie.
I started a Read-The-Bible-In-A-Year program. It's about time, eh?
That sense of having to "locate" yourself is how I have felt so much when we are traveling about, staying in different homes, different motels. Some days it's like, "Where am I?" and "Why?". Waking up in the night and looking around to get my bearings. It can be strange... but,then again, I do like to travel :-)
Oh, that was mom writing above, BTW
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