Sunday, February 15, 2009

Serenity NOW!

I had a great week subbing. The week before had been crazy, with kids I felt like I couldn't control. This last week was a complete turnaround. I was in three classes I had been in before. I am realizing more and more how much easier the job is for the substitute when the teacher regularly has the class in line. When students already know their expectations, it is easier to be the replacement.

Thursday was great - I had been in the class before and knew they were good, but they were exceptionally good. They quieted down when I simply opened my mouth. They followed directions. They were eager to please. At the end of the day they lined up in their pod's common area to go to the music room and while I was tying up loose ends in the classroom (prodding along slowpokes), they were SILENT. It was amazing and it even garnered a compliment, a glowing one, from another teacher. Needless to say, I was proud, and left feeling good. The teachers of the class (it's a job share), came in at the end of the day and said they had heard great things about how I handled the class. How AWESOME does that make me feel? Pretty awesome.

I had one "oh, that was weird" moment when I had a familiar class on Wednesday. The fourth graders all trade around for reading classes, so I gained new kids from other classes. This girl walked in and I stopped her and said... "you look really familiar, what's your name"? She told me, and it was the answer I suspected. Finally, I had to go over to her and say "you look SO familiar, just like a girl I used to take care of at a daycare". She said "pixie?" and I said "YES!". Strangely enough, this girl was in the toddler class at the daycare center I worked at in high school. WHAT? I think she wasn't even two at the time, and here she was, in fourth grade, being all old and stuff. That makes ME feel old and stuff. Wow.


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